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Berta Ventura

Social Account Manager at Cyberclick. Le apasiona el marketing, las redes sociales, leer y escribir.

Social Account Manager at Cyberclick. Passionate about marketing, social media, reading and writing.

Author articles

Tags: Online Marketing & Digital Marketing By Berta Ventura, on 15 August 2022

Attribution Window for Conversions: What It Is and How It Affects Your Results

Attribution marketing is all about knowing what channels a user interacted with before becoming a customer, what channels or platforms influenced the purchase decision, and how much time passed between the interaction and conversion. Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 28 July 2022

How to Use TikTok to Promote Your Brand

Have you ever thought about advertising on TikTok? Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 27 July 2022

Managing Facebook Ads: How to Generate Awareness for Your Brand on the Platform

The term brand awareness refers to the level of notoriety that a brand has among the public. If consumers associate positive values with your company and perceive it as different from the competition, it is a sign that your brand awareness is high. A... Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 20 July 2022

The Most Important TikTok Metrics to Monitor

More than two years have passed since TikTok rapidly gained popularity during the pandemic. Now, it has found a place in most companies' digital marketing strategies, but there are still questions about how to measure the success of TikTok campaigns. Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 12 July 2022

How to Increase Your Instagram Organic Reach

Social media metrics allow you to understand how your strategy is performing. Among them, reach is one of the most important, since it tells you how many users have seen your post. Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 12 May 2022

How to Use the Free Telegram App in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Telegram, with more than 1 billion monthly active users, is becoming one of the most popular platforms. The app allows brands to establish a close relationship with users, which is an integral component when it comes to building credibility. Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 17 February 2022

The Metrics to Measure in Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

LinkedIn metrics provide information about how your LinkedIn Ads are performing. It is essential to keep a pulse on this data to understand if your marketing efforts are yielding profitable results. Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 9 February 2022

Facebook Lookalike Audiences: What Are They and How to Create One

When it comes to expanding your business on the Internet, there are many things to consider like choosing your scope of work, what audiences you want to target, the right marketing strategy, the resources you want to invest, etc. If you add the fact ... Read more

Tags: Online Marketing & Digital Marketing By Berta Ventura, on 2 February 2022

What Is Remarketing and How Does It Work?

Remarketing is becoming an increasingly popular advertising strategy. It is the process of targeting individuals who have already engaged with your brand, with the aim of increasing conversion rates and improving lead generation. This makes it a high... Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 21 January 2022

How to Advertise on Pinterest With Pinterest Shopping

Many companies use Pinterest Ads to promote content and attract users. Recently, Pinterest launched Pinterest Shopping, a tool that allows brands to sell through the social network. Read more