About Us


At Cyberclick, we put people first! We guarantee the best results because the best teams produce the most success. We enjoy our work, we strive for excellence in all we do, and we cultivate relationships where transparency and mutual respect are of the utmost importance. All of this has been boiled down into three values that reflect our culture of happiness.

Admire  People

1. Admire

Humility and respect are two crucial elements for every personal and professional achievement

Always Find a Better Way

2. Always Find
a Better Way

We always want to go the extra mile. Here at Cyberclick, we have a mentality of “always learning” and “always testing”

Customer Experience Freaks

3. Customer
Experience Freaks

We don’t limit ourselves to just meet the expectations of our clients, we go above and beyond





HappyIndex® / AtWork 2019

Certification awarded by Choose My Company in Spain, with an average score of 4.8 out of 5 and an outstanding 100% recommendation rate from the team.
Badge 1 Year


WorldBlu Freedom-Centered Cultures Awards 2019

Cyberclick was honored as one of the 33 most democratic companies in the world.


1st Place in Best Place to Work 2015

Cyberclick claimed the top spot as the best company to work for at the SME level in the 2015 edition.


1st Place in Best Place to Work 2014

Cyberclick clinched the top spot as the best company to work for at the SME level in the 2014 edition.
Great Place to Work 2013


3rd Place in Best Place to Work 2013

Cyberclick came in third place as the best company to work for at the SME level in the 2013 edition.


Social Ads & Online Marketing Strategist

Aida Delmar

Inbound Marketing Strategist

Alessandra Valqui

Innovation & Development

Anas Rami

Paid Media Specialist

Anderson Cruz

Inbound Marketing Strategist

Andrea Mingozzi

Digital Marketing Strategist

Anna Ribas

Strategic Marketplaces Project Manager

Belén Gallego

Social Media Strategist

Belén Mauri

Social Ads & Online Marketing Strategist

Berta Ventura

Innovation & Development

Camila López

Social Ads Strategist

Carlos García

Innovation & Development

Carlota Piñol

Digital Marketing Strategist

Chantal India

Inbound Media Strategist

Claudia Caloto

Inbound Marketing Strategist

Clàudia Huguet

Video Marketing Strategist

Clàudia Martínez

Innovation & Development

Daniel Fernández

Inbound Marketing Strategist

Dany Ortiz

Strategic Marketplaces Project Manager

David García

Cofounder & CEO

David Tomás

Digital Marketing Strategist

Diana Palau

SEM Specialist

Elsa Cerezuela

Video Marketing Strategist

Enric Llonch

Data Scientist & AI Engineer

Enric Chust

SEM Specialist

Enrique Chover

Digital Partner

Eric Nigra

People and Operations Specialist

Estela Viñarás

Digital Marketing Strategist

Ester Solsona

Digital Marketing Specialist

Federico Difeo

Front-End Developer & Graphic Designer

Federico Zilocchi

Digital Marketing Strategist

Florencia Steiner

Digital Marketing Strategist

Gabriela Mendoza

Front-End Development & Graphic Designer

Gema Melgar

Marketing Intern

Giulia Lallas

Social Media Strategist

Gonzalo Anoz

Digital Marketing Strategist

Guillem Bonamich

Innovation & Development

Héctor Borrás

Inbound Marketing Strategist

Helena Alcoverro

Front-End Development & Graphic Designer

Irene Aguayo

Account Executive

Javier Garre

Innovation & Development

Joan Piferrer

Data Scientist

Jordi Zaragoza

Innovation & Development

Jorge Lalueza

Digital Marketing Strategist

Josep Maria Florista

Social Media Strategist

Judit Hernán

Content & Inbound Marketing Strategist

Laia Cardona

SEM Specialist

Luz García

International Digital Marketing Strategist

Lydia Mihaychuk

Finance Strategist

Macarena Costa

SEM & Data Scientist

Marc Mejias

Front-end Development & Graphic Designer

Marcos Lavarello

Inbound Marketing Strategist

Maria Moreno

Social Ads Specialist

Maria-Pei Roig

Finance Strategist

Maria Victoria Rinaudo

In-Company Training Specialist

Marina Avilés

Inbound Marketing Specialist

Marina Sala

Strategic Marketplaces Project Manager

Marta Albero

Digital Marketing Strategist

Marta Baqués

Social Ads & Online Marketing Strategist

Marta Monescillo

Inbound Marketing Strategist

Mercedes Prenna

Social Ads & Online Marketing Strategist

Nerea Boada

Inbound Marketing Strategist

Oier Gil

Inbound Marketing Strategist

Paloma Ferro

Product Designer & CRO Strategist

Patricia Puig

Video Marketing Strategist

Paula Bugallo

Video Marketing Strategist

Paula Quiles

SEM & Data Scientist

Pep Canals

Data Scientist

Pere Munar

Inbound Marketing Strategist

Pere Sanz

Front-end Development & Graphic Designer

Raquel Lapeña

Front-End Developer & Graphic Designer

Raúl Sáenz de Costa

Data Scientist

Roberto Robles

Innovation & Development

Sergi Capellera

Finance Strategist

Sergi Llinàs

Front-End Development & Graphic Designer

Shanon Roberts

Digital Marketing Specialist

Sofía Guerra

SEM Specialist

Sofía Smolko

Front-End Developer & Graphic Designer

Sol González

Marketing & Content Strategist

Tanit de Pouplana

Numerical manifesto

Cyberclick Manifesto EN


We are firm believers in the scientific method applied to online marketing. From this concept came the creation of Numerical Marketing, which, coincidentally, also inspired the name of our blog: Numerical Blog. At Cyberclick, we take our work very seriously and we believe success comes from strenuous research. In this mindset, we develop a hypothesis, implement constant A/B testing, then, based on  the results, make decisions in real-time throughout the lifespan of our campaigns. In this way, we are able to constantly optimize our campaigns, ensuring our clients get the best results the best returns out of their investments (ROI).


The keys to the Numerical Manifesto are:

  1. Keep track of your and exceed your expectations.
  2. Have an analytic vision.
  3. Guarantee the greatest impact
  4. A/B Testing, analyze results
  5. Create, imagine, dream
  6. Increase the number of connected users


In Cyberclick, we don’t keep track of your work hours nor your vacation time. For us, it’s not just about a salary, it’s about YOU! If you are a take-charge kind of person and you like to go above and beyond that which is expected of you, you are without a doubt Cyberclick material! Leave us your info and find out what positions we currently have available!