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Berta Ventura

Social Account Manager at Cyberclick. Le apasiona el marketing, las redes sociales, leer y escribir.

Social Account Manager at Cyberclick. Passionate about marketing, social media, reading and writing.

Author articles

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 24 October 2023

How to Use Clubhouse to Earn Money

Clubhouse, the exclusive social audio app, currently has 10 million weekly active users and is valued at $4 billion. Read more

Tags: Facebook By Berta Ventura, on 17 October 2023

AI for Facebook Ads: How to Use It to Get Great Results

Artificial Intelligence has made significant advancements in recent years. Nowadays, predictive AI can be a valuable asset for your marketing team, particularly in the realm of Facebook advertising. It not only aids in making more informed decisions ... Read more

Tags: Online Marketing & Digital Marketing By Berta Ventura, on 11 October 2023

How Meta Search Engines Are Changing Web Searches

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the competition means exploring innovative tools and strategies. One game-changing tool is meta search engines. In marketing, leveraging meta search engines can unlock new opportun... Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 11 April 2023

15 Tips to Become a TikTok Creator with Viral Content

Creating viral content on TikTok is much more accessible than on other platforms, such as Instagram. If you as a brand or a content creator are considering developing a strategy for this social media platform you are in the right place! We also have ... Read more

Tags: Instagram By Berta Ventura, on 5 April 2023

How to Do an Instagram Giveaway That Actually Works

Instagram giveaways are a great, effective way to increase engagement with your customers and social media followers and create excitement around your brand. But, it takes more than just a random giveaway prize to make a successful giveaway strategy.... Read more

Tags: Facebook By Berta Ventura, on 8 December 2022

Facebook Attribution: The Models and How They Work

Attribution marketing consists of analyzing and determining the channels customers have interacted with that have influenced their purchase decisions. Consumers interact with different online and offline touchpoints before making a purchase. Therefor... Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 24 October 2022

How to Create Your Instagram Shop Step by Step

In addition to being one of the most popular social networks, Instagram is also a social shopping tool. It provides a way for companies to connect with their audiences, interact with them, and expand their social media marketing strategy. Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 19 October 2022

Social Media Metrics: Which Ones Should You Measure?

Measuring the right digital marketing metrics is fundamental. But there’s so much data at our disposal that it can be difficult to know what to focus on. Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 17 October 2022

TikTok's Attribution Manager: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Attribution models are used to know the route that a user follows before making a purchase. They give us insights on which campaigns are obtaining the best results, allowing us to adjust whats not working. Thanks to TikTok’s new feature, the Attribut... Read more

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Berta Ventura, on 10 October 2022

TikTok In Feed Ads: What They Are and How to Leverage Them

TikTok is one of the trendiest social networks with more than 1 billion active monthly users, so many brands, especially those that want to reach a young audience, have incorporated it into their marketing plans. They have launched campaigns with Tik... Read more