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How to Use Clubhouse to Earn Money

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By Berta Ventura, on 24 October 2023

Clubhouse, the exclusive social audio app, currently has 10 million weekly active users and is valued at $4 billion.

Clubhouse relies on content creators, so it is prioritizing creating attractive advertising options for them. In this article, we'll explain how to use Clubhouse to earn money this year.

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How to Use Clubhouse to Earn Money

How Does Clubhouse Work?

Clubhouse is a social network created by a group of former Google engineers. It has several distinctive features in comparison to other social networking apps.

Arguably the most distinguishing one is that users can't join directly after downloading the application. Rather, they have to register with an email, password, and mobile number and wait for an existing Clubhouse user to invite them.

Additionally, it is an audio network based on users having real-time conversations with each other. Conversations take place between one or more hosts and an audience. There are also moderators who provide audience members with a chance to speak.

Conversations in Clubhouse can't be recorded, so it is impossible to share them elsewhere on the web. This, combined with invitation-only access, makes Clubhouse content feel exclusive and valuable.

At a structural level, Clubhouse is organized into rooms and clubs.

Rooms are where conversations take place. They have different levels of privacy like public (open to any user who wants to join), social (limited to the people the creator follows), and private (access is by invitation only).

Clubs, on the other hand, are groups that bring users with shared interests together. Several rooms can be created in a club. To be able to create a club, a user must have started at least 3 rooms previously and reached a certain level of interaction within the application.

Earning Money With the Payments Feature

According to Clubhouse, its goal from the beginning has been to build a platform that prioritizes creators and helps them form a community and leave a lasting impact. Therefore, it launched a payments feature specially designed for creators to earn money.

Payments are a simple way for a creator's followers to send them money as a reward for their content. Here's how to spend a payment in Clubhouse.

  • Tap on the profile of a creator who has activated the payments feature and tap "Send money."
  • Then, enter the amount you want to send. If this is the first payment you're making, the app will ask you to enter your credit or debit card information.

The payment is processed through the platform Stripe, which earns a small commission from every transaction. The rest goes entirely to the creator. Clubhouse actively focuses on keeping its content creators happy rather than creating a profitable business model.

According to TechCrunch, Clubhouse is working on two other monetization features.

  • Tickets for events and venues that are sold directly in the app in limited quantities.
  • Monthly subscriptions for users to support their favorite creators.

It is unclear when exactly these features will be available.

The Creator First Program

Clubhouse's Creator First program provides emerging creators with the resources they need to bring their ideas to life and foster their creativity.

The program has three different components: creative solutions, promotions, and financial support.

In terms of creative solutions, Clubhouse supports the program's creators through the following:

  • Providing specialized equipment like iPhones and AirPod Pros (sponsored solutions for Android will be available soon)
  • Offering to develop concepts and creative assets with the Clubhouse team
  • Creating networking opportunities with potential guests and content creators

The Creator First program also includes creative design services, promotional campaigns, and audience development support to help creators get noticed.

On the financial side, Clubhouse provides a monthly stipend to creators to help them build relationships with brands and secure sponsorship deals.

5 Ideas for Making Money With Clubhouse

1. Sell Tickets to Premium Rooms

Clubhouse fosters a sense of scarcity and exclusivity, and private rooms further emphasize this.

Although the Clubhouse ticketing function is not available yet, it is possible to sell access to private rooms independently.

A good strategy to promote premium rooms is offering a portion of the content to the public so that users can assess their level of interest. For example, you can create a course and offer the first few lessons for free, encouraging users to join your premium room to unlock the remainder of the content.

2. Collaborate With Brands to Create Sponsored Rooms

Sponsored rooms are a great way for influencers to earn money with Clubhouse.

Basically, a company enters into a partnership agreement with a Clubhouse influencer and pays them to:

  • Organize a room that promotes the company and its products
  • Mention the brand or product in the name of a room or event
  • Promote the brand's social network channels

In order to get results, make sure to take into account two very important points:

  • The product or service must be relevant to Clubhouse users. There are many B2B and technology influencers on Clubhouse, but you can also find some content creators for B2C products, especially in the beauty sector.
  • The influencer must fit with the brand's values and have an audience that aligns with its target audience.

3. Add Clubhouse Rooms to Your Memberships

This option is especially suitable for influencers who offer content-based products, e.g. online courses.

The process consists of offering your users access to a Clubhouse room or event as an add-on to your existing products. For example, you can create a masterclass on a topic of your choice or organize a live interview with a reputable figure in your industry.

4. Monetize Your Presentations

One of the advantages of Clubhouse is that it has many users interested in business, technology, and entrepreneurship. If you manage to create compelling presentations on these topics, you can distribute them on Clubhouse as premium content.

5. Engaging Your Audience for Increased Earnings

On Clubhouse, your potential earnings go beyond the features and programs offered. To maximize your income, focus on engaging your audience in meaningful ways. Instead of just focusing on financial transactions, consider how to boost engagement. Cultivate discussions that not only inform but also captivate and entertain your audience. Explore formats like Q&A sessions or even live storytelling. By injecting passion and authenticity into your presentations, you not only retain the attention of your listeners but also create a loyal following eager to support your endeavors. Remember, in the world of Clubhouse, the value of your content is often as important as the revenue streams it generates.

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Berta Ventura