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Pep Canals

Graduado en Telecomunicaciones y Doctor en Fotónica por el Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas. Cuenta con más de 5 años de experiencia trabajando con Google Ads y Google Analytics, gestionando estrategias de SEM y todo tipo de campañas a través del embudo, desde búsqueda hasta Youtube..

Graduated with a degree in telecommunications and holds a PhD in photonics from the Institute of Photonic Sciences. He has more than 5 years of experience working with Google Ads and Google Analytics, managing SEM, and all campaigns type across the funnel from search to Youtube.

Author articles

Tags: Social Media & Social Ads By Pep Canals, on 31 October 2023

Two-Way Communication: How to Use It in Your Social Media Strategy

Two-way communication happens when the recipient and the sender of a message exchange roles continuously. In marketing, this happens when a brand sends a message, the consumer responds to the message, the brand reacts to the consumer's response, and ... Read more

Tags: Google By Pep Canals, on 10 October 2023

How to Use Google Ads AI to Improve Your Campaigns

There are those who look at Artificial Intelligence with suspicion but the reality is that, despite ushering in major change, they are tools that marketing teams can use to streamline their processes. In this article we want to talk about how you can... Read more

Tags: Google By Pep Canals, on 14 September 2023

Google Search Generative Experience: How to Improve Search with AI

Artificial Intelligence is booming. More and more companies are opting for it including Google, which is developing Google Search Generative Experience. This is a new search experience facilitates the entire information gathering process thanks to AI... Read more

Tags: Digital Advertising By Pep Canals, on 13 June 2023

Demand Side Platform: What Is It and How Does It Work in Advertising?

A demand side platform, or DSP, is a software that lets advertisers buy advertising with the help of automation. It's a type of online advertising where ad space is bought in real time, in different formats and on various websites, in order to connec... Read more

Tags: Google By Pep Canals, on 23 May 2023

EEAT: Evolution of Google EAT, Its Impact on SEO & How to Implement It

The amount of web pages on the Internet is immense. In this context, Google must establish criteria to sort all this content in order to offer users the best experience. In 2015, Google decided to create EAT, an acronym that refers to the guidelines ... Read more

Tags: Google By Pep Canals, on 6 April 2023

Google MUM: What Is It and How Will It Affect Your SEO?

Google MUM is an algorithm endowed with artificial intelligence that can affect SEO, since it's able to precisely understand any type of content. This allows it to give answers that are much more in line with the user's search intent. But what exactl... Read more

Tags: Digital Advertising By Pep Canals, on 22 August 2022

Google Ads Display Campaigns: Simpler Than Ever Before

Google Ads display campaigns allow you to place ads on YouTube, Gmail, and the Google display network, which includes millions of websites and apps. They are a very powerful advertising tool to use to multiply the reach of your brand. Read more

Tags: SEO & SEM By Pep Canals, on 31 May 2022

What Are Responsive Search Ads?

Google Ads is a fundamental tool in advertising, as it has been the leader in online advertising for a long time. Knowing the types of ads that can be created with Google AdWords is key to maximizing your online advertising strategy. Read more

Tags: Data Science By Pep Canals, on 3 May 2022

Google Topics: What It Is and How It Will Work in Cookie-Free Advertising

Google continues to move towards a cookie-free world while maintaining Google Ads as its main source of revenue. Its first proposal for cookie-free targeted advertising, FLoC, was dropped due to complaints from other industry players. It has since in... Read more

Tags: Google By Pep Canals, on 5 April 2022

How to Improve Your CTR in Google Ads Campaigns

The CTR, or Click Through Rate, is one of the most important metrics in a Google Ads campaign. It indicates if you are attracting new users and increasing your reach with your advertising efforts. Knowing how to optimize it is the key to success, so ... Read more