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Customer Acquisition Strategies Every Marketer Should Know

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By Anna Ribas, on 18 April 2024

In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, mastering customer acquisition is crucial for any brand looking to grow and thrive. Customer acquisition involves attracting and converting new customers to your business, a process essential for sustained growth and market presence. It's not just about attracting random traffic to your website or social media platforms but about bringing in potential customers who are likely to engage with your brand and make a purchase, even if they are not yet ready to do so.

* Learn the 10 most important questions to ask your sales team that will help  you create relevant and valuable inbound marketing content for your buyer  persona! 

Customer Acquisition Strategies Every Marketer Should Know

The customer acquisition funnel can serve as a roadmap for converting prospects into customers. It is typically divided into several stages, ranging from new leads to customers.

  • Awareness: The first point of contact where customers become aware of the existence of your brand, service or product.
  • Interest: At this point, people begin to show curiosity and start seeking more information, indicating an initial engagement with your brand.
  • Consideration: Prospects evaluate your products or services against their needs and other available options, contemplating the best fit. At this point they usually show further engagement to obtain more information.
  • Intent: In this stage, you have a clear indication of the user's intent to make a purchase, such as adding products to a cart, or requesting or accepting a call with a salesperson.
  • Conversion: The final stage of the acquisition process, where the user finalizes their decision and becomes a customer.
  • Retention: While sometimes not considered in the basic customer acquisition journey, and requiring quite different efforts and strategies, it is important not to dismiss the retention step. It can often be more beneficial to have repeat customers than it is to attract new ones. These delighted customers can also serve as brand ambassadors and recommenders of your brand.

Each stage of the funnel requires tailored marketing strategies to effectively guide the potential customer to the next phase, ultimately leading to a successful acquisition. These customer acquisition strategies should be data-driven, targeted, and aligned with the overall business goals and customer journey.

Content Marketing

Content marketing fuels the top of the acquisition funnel by generating awareness and interest. Creating valuable, relevant content attracts potential customers, providing solutions or insights that resonate with their needs or interests. Whether through blog posts, videos, or infographics, the goal is to establish your brand as a trusted authority and go-to resource in your industry. This way, when the time comes for the consumer to make a decision or concretize their need, your brand will already be positioned in their top-of-mind.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is critical for enhancing visibility at the awareness and consideration stages of the funnel. By optimizing your website and content to rank higher in search engine results for relevant keywords, you make it easier for potential customers to discover your brand during their initial research phase. This goes hand-in-hand with the aforementioned content marketing strategy, as it is a great way to attract traffic to your blog or website content. Effective SEO involves keyword research, on-page optimization, quality content creation, and earning authoritative backlinks.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing leverages the trust influencers have with their audience to introduce your brand and products, primarily impacting the awareness and consideration stages. Choosing influencers whose followers align with your target audience ensures that your marketing efforts resonate and lead to higher conversion rates. Pairing these efforts with your social media and social ads strategies can be a great way to make the most of the content you create hand-in-hand with influencers and content creators.

Video Marketing

Video marketing has firmly established itself as a compelling medium for customer acquisition, thanks to its ability to convey complex messages in an engaging and accessible format. From explainer videos that show off your offerings to customer testimonials that build trust, video content can significantly enhance engagement and drive conversions. Using videos across your digital touchpoints, including your website and social media, can enrich the customer journey and bolster your acquisition efforts.

Gated Content

Gated content involves offering valuable content in exchange for user information, typically through a form submission. This content could range from in-depth guides and whitepapers to exclusive webinars and reports. By gating content, you not only provide prospects with substantial value but also capture lead information, facilitating more personalized follow-up marketing efforts. Gated content is particularly effective during the consideration and intent stages, as it attracts prospects genuinely interested in your offerings and ready to engage further.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising can impact various stages of the acquisition funnel, from awareness to intent or conversion. It offers the advantage of immediate visibility in different environments (such as search engine results and social media platforms), driving targeted traffic to your website and helping you achieve the goals you have defined. A well-managed campaign requires a solid initial strategy and ongoing optimization to achieve a positive return on investment.

Email Marketing

Email marketing comes into play somewhat later in the funnel, primarily at the consideration and intent stages. By nurturing leads with personalized, relevant content according to the stage they are in, you can guide potential customers toward making a purchase decision. Building a quality email list and segmenting it based on user behavior and preferences are key to effective email marketing campaigns.

A well-rounded customer acquisition strategy involves having a good understanding of the customer acquisition funnel for your particular buyer persona(s), and the implementation of various tactics tailored to each stage of their journey. From blog articles to email marketing, each strategy plays a part in attracting, engaging, and converting potential customers. By combining strategies into a sophisticated ecosystem, brands can guide potential customers through each stage of the funnel, achieving sustainable growth and building a loyal customer base in the competitive digital marketplace.

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Anna Ribas