Data-driven design involves basing our digital design decisions on data collected through performance analyses of previous designs. In this sense, data-driven design puts the designer's intuition in the background, giving more importance to both qual... Read more
Sol Gonzalez
Responsable de Diseño y de la Experiencia del Usuario (UX) en Cyberclick. Se encarga de la conceptualización creativa de campañas y diseño gráfico, así como la optimización de los materiales para diferentes entornos y dispositivos. Colabora en proyectos estratégicos aportando una visión de producto centrada en el usuario.
Design and User Experience (UX) at Cyberclick. Sol is responsible for the creative conceptualization of campaigns and graphic design, as well as the optimization of materials for different environments and devices. Sol collaborates on strategic projects providing a user-centered product vision.
Author articles
Do you know that humans process an image up to 60,000 times faster than text? And that we retain only 10% of the information we hear, 20% of what we read, but 80% of what we see? Perhaps that's why visual posts on the internet are the most successful... Read more
The trends in branding, design, and UX for 2024 reflect the evolution of new technologies and user expectations for websites, emphasizing faster loading times, accessibility, immersive experiences, and modular designs. Moreover, companies are anticip... Read more
Artificial intelligence is a tool that has arrived to simplify and expedite many repetitive, routine, and tedious tasks, enabling optimization and automation without the need for human intervention. One field where AI-equipped tools are playing a sig... Read more
In marketing, it's not enough to know how many people are visiting your website; you also have to know where they come from. Not all visits are created equal, and identifying the different traffic sources that bring people to your site will help you ... Read more
Above-the-fold has become an important concept in web design and marketing. But what exactly is it and how can it help within a digital marketing strategy? Read more
Good marketers know that their branding and design must adapt to the trends and evolutions of the market, just like all other marketing functions. As marketing trends change and business evolves, design must also grow. Read more
The phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words," is especially true in marketing. Read more
Packaging has always been an important element in marketing. Read more
As a brand, your customer value proposition is one of your most important assets. It is a statement aimed at convincing potential customers that they should make a purchase from you. It’s the “elevator pitch” that tells them who you are and why they ... Read more