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Marketing Blog

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Tags: Online Marketing & Digital Marketing, Native Advertising, Digital Advertising By Laia Cardona, on 2 October 2015

The numbers for programmatic advertising in Europe flourish

Programmatic advertising in Europe continues to be unstoppable, as revealed by the latest study on the impact of programmatic advertising in the European market developed by the agency IAB Europe. But what is programmatic advertising? Remember that t... Read more

Tags: Native Advertising By Laia Cardona, on 10 September 2015

Chrome Penalizes the Use of AdBlock Extension

On September 7, users of AdBlock and Google Chrome browser found a little welcome surprise when entering Youtube. Not only did the blocker did not work as usual, but also the option to "Skip ad" had disappeared from the videos, forcing them to see ad... Read more

Tags: Online Marketing & Digital Marketing, Native Advertising, Digital Advertising By Laia Cardona, on 11 August 2015

Spain in the Top 10 in Europe in Digital Advertising

The way to understand the trade has dramatically changed in a pre-internet or traditional to the current company. In the same way it happened with advertising and why this change has much to do with the vast network of networks is an ideal place to s... Read more

Tags: Inbound Marketing, Native Advertising By Kelly Rogan, on 18 June 2015

David Tomas speaks of Native Advertising at the Inbound Marketing Made in Madrid event

June 11th I attended the third edition of Inbound Marketing Made in Madrid in the central location of Cines Callao, to know a little more what are the latest trends to structure and streamline the marketing funnel. I was pleasantly surprised that the... Read more

Tags: App Marketing & Publicidad Móvil, Native Advertising By Kelly Rogan, on 11 June 2015

Secret revealed! When digital advertising will surpass TV advertising

We love to use the phrase "Internet is the future" and we are all aware that it is a fairly settled truth, because there are many market sectors living in part or entirely on the network. Marketers are aware of this reality, but investment in digital... Read more