What Are Zero Click Searches?

  • There are no suggestions because the search field is empty.

By Laia Cardona, on 8 September 2022

The zero click search, which translates to searches without clicks, is something that content creators have been very concerned about lately because it can negatively affect a web page's SEO positioning.

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What Are Zero Click Searches

It’s estimated that more than 60% of the searches made on Google over the last few years ended without a click on any of the sites that were offered as a result. This figure is even more alarming when talking about mobile devices, where it exceeds 70%. But what exactly is Zero Click Search and how can it affect a website?

What Are Zero Click Searches?

A zero click search, also known as a no-click search, refers to a search that ends without a click on any of the web pages suggested as a result in Google.

The fact that there are no click searches is due to the fact that Google itself offers an answer to the user, so the user doesn’t need to go to a site. If you have already obtained an answer to what you were asking, what need is there to visit a web page that will give you the same answer?

Google also provides answers in the SERP for any topic and industry, so the user can find anything from movie listings to how to do a yoga pose, a recipe, or the benefits of a certain product without having to click on a web page.

How Do Zero Click Searches Affect You?

Reduced Organic Clicks

Many websites saw a reduction in organic clicks, especially those coming from mobile devices, when Google started giving direct responses to users in the SERP itself. This is largely because the user already has the answer, so they don't need to visit any web page.

You Can Lose Potential Leads

The fewer visits a website has, the less likely it is to be useful in lead generation. This is one of the main concerns of brands since the goal of having a website with content is to get visitors that become leads and then become customers. But with zero click, when you lose organic clicks, you also lose the ability to gain leads.

Reduced Impressions

If the user already has an answer to what they were looking for, they don’t pay attention to the web pages that appear in the SERP, so they lose visibility and reach. Additionally, when you lose organic clicks, Google stops considering that site relevant, so it loses positioning and stops showing it.

The fact that the user can have a quick response makes them lose interest in the web pages that offer information about it, which results in a significant decrease in organic visits, leads, customers, reach, and visibility.

How to Recover Traffic From Zero Click Searches

By creating relevant and valuable content, you can recover web traffic. Here's what you will need to keep in mind to succeed against no-click searches:

Keep Search Intent in Mind

When creating content you should always take into account the user's search intent in order to create rich snippets. These are fragments of text written in a way that the search engine can clearly understand the information or data on that web page so it can display it in response to certain searches.

In addition to recovering web traffic, you can beat the competition and position yourself ahead of them in the SERP. In addition, this increases your chances of getting clicks when you are at the top of the results.

Use Long-Tail Keywords

There are several reasons why using long-tail keywords is a very good idea, one of them being that Google highly values it. In addition, these types of keywords have less competition, which makes them easier to rank for. In fact, with these keywords, it’s also easier to appear in rich snippets.

Improve Your Web Content

It’s essential to offer interesting, original, and quality content. This means that you have to avoid writing the same thing that your competition has written or doing it in the same way.

In addition to text, including maps, graphics, photographs, videos, or any other resource that can quicken the user's reading is beneficial and can help with positioning. The more relevant the information is, the more likely that Google will consider that web page as a reference in the sector.

Index in Other Search Engines

Although Google is one of the most used search engines, don’t forget about others. There are some alternatives to Google, and although they are not as popular, you should still try to index them to generate more web traffic. More and more people prefer to look for alternatives after taking into consideration the privacy problems associated with Google.

We can conclude that while Google is trying to improve its user experience by providing answers to its questions without having to click on a website, a good content strategy can slow down the drop in web traffic, visibility, and reach that it causes.

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Laia Cardona