If you are a digital marketer, you should be ready to answer this question: what is your Twitter ROI? There are many companies present on this network, whether more or less actively, but not all know how it contributes to their global marketing objec... Read more
Alba Fraile
Licenciada en Publicidad y RRPP por la Universidad de Barcelona y Project Manager certificada por McGill University en Montreal, Canadá. Experiencia en Marketing digital, comunicación y creación de contenidos a nivel internacional. Fundadora de la empresa Margot Blanxart.
Degree in Advertising and PR from the University of Barcelona and Project Manager certified by McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Experience in digital marketing, communication and content creation internationally. Founder of the company Margot Blanxart.
Author articles
Over the past years, Facebook Ads has evolved into an extremely powerful tool for advertisers. There are so many options and features that you are sure to find one that will fit your marketing goals perfectly but it can also be hard to choose, and qu... Read more
Has your company decided to invest in Account Based Marketing in 2017? Well done! ABM promises to be one of the most effective and profitable ways to market to the B2B sector. Like any tool, however, (and especially for new tools in your plan), you n... Read more
It’s official: the smartphone has completely and forever changed our consumption habits as we know them. In just a few years, smartphones have managed to become our favorite device for reading the news, communicate with each other, socialize, surf th... Read more
Google App Indexing is becoming more and more necessary in order for app companies to reach their installs & user retention goals. It is also rapidly gaining visibility and protagonism in App Marketing strategies, particularly during their earlie... Read more
More and more brands everyday are getting onboard with ecommerce and with good reason. According to results from the Study of Online confidence, 96% of Spaniards are as or more confident to shop online than 5 years ago. In fact, 20 million Spaniards ... Read more
2016 is the year apps takeover. As Google begins to include information located inside application in their search engine results, more and more brands begin to join the movement and create their own mobile apps. For your brand to be able to benefit ... Read more
Many CMOs focus their marketing plans on performance marketing actions such as emailing and social ads and often forget about public relations. PR is crucial when working on building product awareness, rebranding strategies, creating interest and sti... Read more