Social Media & Social Ads

How to Increase Your Instagram Organic Reach

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By Berta Ventura, on 12 July 2022

Social media metrics allow you to understand how your strategy is performing. Among them, reach is one of the most important, since it tells you how many users have seen your post.

There are two types of reach on social media platforms including Instagram: paid and organic. Paid reach refers to what is achieved through paid platforms or tools and as a result of an advertising campaign, while organic reach is achieved naturally, through sharing or suggestions. But how can you increase your Instagram organic reach?

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How to Increase Your Instagram Organic Reach

Tips to Improve Your Reach on Instagram

Interact With Your Audience With Instagram Story Stickers

Instagram Stories allow you to interact with the audience in many different ways through stickers.

Thanks to the stickers, you can ask questions, create polls, start a countdown, ask for opinions or suggestions, and more. This makes it easy to encourage users to interact with your brand and make them feel more connected to it.

Use Humor and Memes

Users also need a touch of humor in their daily lives, so making memes can be a very good idea.

The main advantages of memes are that they are easy to create and usually generate a lot of engagement. They are also compatible with any type of industry. Best of all, the wittier and funnier they are, the more likely they are to be shared.

However, depending on the tone used and the type of audience you want to attract, you will have to assess what type of content is most appropriate.

Create Posts to Be Saved

Instagram allows users to save posts. This means being careful with the content you post, as Instagram's algorithm takes into account the user's actions to show more or less of that content. So, in addition to likes, comments, and shares, getting users to save a post is telling Instagram that the information in that post is highly relevant.

Publish Carousel Posts

Instagram allows you to add up to 10 photos or videos within the same post, which is known as a carousel. This is usually more engaging for users and allows them to interact with content in a very visual way.

One of the main advantages of these posts is that if you provide valuable content, users tend to save it.

Include CTAs In Your Copy

CTAs or calls to action are a way to drive the audience to perform an action. This means that you can get more engagement on your posts just by including a CTA in your Instagram copy.

A CTA encourages users to take an additional action such as clicking on a link. What must be taken into account is that the CTA must be directly related to the post.

Show Your Face on Instagram Stories

An audience likes to know who is behind an Instagram profile, so whenever possible, it is a good idea to show yourself in your Instagram Stories. Stories can be used to explain concepts, give advice, inform users about news or promotions, and more. It is also a way for the public to trust a brand more and feel that there is much more than a logo behind it.

Hold a Raffle

Sweepstakes can also be used in an Instagram strategy. The opportunity to get free products or services is always very tempting for an audience, so you can increase your followers and actions drastically in a short period of time.

The basic requirements to enter a sweepstakes should be: follow the account, leave a comment, tag another user, and share the post.

Conduct FAQ Sessions

Through Instagram Stories, you can hold FAQ sessions. This is a way for the audience to feel heard and, above all, an opportunity to help them solve their concerns. Simply place a sticker on which the audience can write their questions and answer them as they are received or make a selection of the most important ones to answer if the number is too high.

Go Live With Other Users

Instagram Lives are also very effective. Through them, you can increase your visibility and grow interactions in a fast and effective way, leading to a growth in organic traffic. You can do this by putting on livestreams with other influencers in your sector. It is also a way to show the public who is behind the brand.

Collaborate on Instagram Reels

Reels are a popular format on Instagram that can be used to increase organic traffic and engagement within the social network.

By doing a collaboration on Instagram Reels, your post will appear on both profiles - yours and the profile of the creator you are collaborating with. This allows opinions, likes and comments to be shared, which leads to a much greater reach.

Create Reels With Viral Audios

Keep up with trends and take advantage of viral audio to create videos that users want to share. The only thing to keep in mind is that the video must be recorded in portrait format and cannot exceed 60 seconds. The more originality you add to the video, the more shares you will get.

Post When Your Audience Is Most Active

Posts should be made during the days and hours when the target audience is most active.

It is generally said that users are most active on social networks from Monday to Friday from 4 p.m. onwards, although there is a peak of activity at 9 a.m. as well. Depending on the profile of the audience you want to attract, there may be variations, so you should test them until you find the best times to post for your brand.

Experiment With User Generated Content (UGC)

To make users feel part of the brand, you can resort to User Generated Content, which refers to content created by users. This can be photos, memes, texts, videos, and more. Any content will do, as long as it does not harm the brand image in any way.

It is very common to invite customers to make Stories for the product by tagging the brand. The brand can then share what users create and post.

Why It Is Important to Have a Good Organic Reach on Social Networks

Organic reach refers to the number of different users a post reaches. This means that organic reach is directly related to the quality of the content since, unlike paid content, it comes naturally through shares. The more shares, the more relevant that content will be for Instagram's algorithm.

This reach leads, then, to visibility, which would translate into more followers and, consequently, an increase in sales.

Of course, it is always important to analyze what type of content has the best reach, as it will give you clues about what your audience enjoys the most.

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Berta Ventura