By Laia Cardona, on 25 April 2024
Google Perspectives is a new filter in Google Search that joins existing ones like Google Images, Google Videos, and Google News, among others. When clicking on the Google Perspectives filter, the search engine provides us with a selection of pages where there is content more related to personal experiences rather than content focused on traditional positioning.
With this new functionality powered by Artificial Intelligence, Google aims to enhance real, authentic, unique content that speaks of personal experiences, something it has already been doing for some time in general search results.
This new update to the search engine is interesting, isn't it? As users, we'll be able to more easily find real content and not just content focused on sales. But, as a brand, what can you expect? Don't worry, because all is not lost. In this article, we delve deeper into Google Perspectives and how to adapt your SEO strategy to this new scenario.
But before we proceed, keep in mind that the Google Perspectives functionality may not yet be available in your location. However, stay tuned because it could arrive at any moment, and it's highly possible that it will come to mobile devices before desktop.
How Google Perspectives Works and What the Search Experience Is Like
Google Perspectives works just like any other tab in the search engine. As a user, you simply need to type your question or query in the search bar and select the Perspectives filter to see the results.
As you can see in the image, at least in the mobile version, the way the results appear is very different from the general section of Google Search, resembling aesthetically more platforms like Pinterest.
The Reason Behind the Birth of Google Perspectives
In part, the birth of Perspectives is due to the growth of searches on social networks like Instagram or TikTok, especially by Generation Z. According to a Google study, 40% of this demographic used social networks for searches. Therefore, Perspectives aims to be the counterattack and that alternative search where we can find what we can see on social networks: results more focused on content created by people and showing real experiences.
But that's not all, Google has also noticed that when users want to find search results with a more human perspective, they add the word "Reddit" at the end of their question. This way, they don't come across all the SEO-focused pages created with more marketing intention and can go straight to real experiences, which is what is found on this social network.
Google aims to avoid this by already offering more human and real results.
What Kind of Content Will You Find on Google Perspectives?
Google has announced that the goal of its new filter is to show users "hidden gems," meaning content that was previously difficult to find on the general Google Search page, such as a lesser-known blog post or a comment on a forum. But, as we've already mentioned, this is something that they also want to implement in the general search option.
Therefore, both in the Perspectives filter and on the general search page, you will see many more results where people share their own experiences, as well as content written by experts on the subject.
However, Google will also take into account for ranking these contents issues such as the usefulness of the text and its quality.
But beware! In Google Perspectives, we will not only see text results, but also videos and even images and social media.
In summary, the content you will find on Google Perspectives is that which tells real experiences firsthand by a person and that written by professionals. If we refer to the format, you will see:
- YouTube videos
- Blog articles and news
- Forum responses
- Social media content
Fun Facts: This Is the Type of Content You Won’t See on Google Perspectives
Do you know about the so-called YMYL topics? These initials refer to the concept "Your Money Your Life" in which Google encompasses all topics that could have a significant impact on users' safety, health, financial stability, and well-being.
The search engine takes into account all the content generated around this topic and applies stricter positioning criteria compared to content that is not YMYL, such as ensuring their sources are more reliable.
According to the experience of people who have already tried Google Perspectives, apparently, this filter does not offer results when searching for YMYL topics (related to money or health). And it's normal, as we've said, this tab is focused on offering content based on each user's personal experience, which could be "dangerous." Therefore, it seems that we will not see content related to health, politics, or security.
However, in the area of money, users have seen that it does offer responses, which is really curious.
How does Google Perspectives affect your traditional SEO strategy?
The most important thing you should know is that ranking well in the Perspectives tab helps you rank well in the general Google Search tab as well. In fact, Google even considers adding a Perspectives section in the search results of the general search tab.
In addition to that, although everything related to keywords, link building, and website structure remains important, the originality, authenticity, and quality of content will play a very prominent role.
How to improve your brand exposure with Google Perspectives
All Google updates have an impact on content positioning, some more than others, but they all influence. Google Perspectives is no exception, and it's important to consider it to adapt our SEO strategy and make it more effective.
Here are some tips that may be useful to continue positioning with the introduction of this new functionality. Many of them will also help you create a better SEO strategy for the future that Google Search aims to create.
Identify the channels that rank highest on Google Perspectives
It can be interesting to analyze which channels tend to rank highest on Google Perspectives when searches related to your market niche are performed. This information can help you choose which platform might be most interesting for developing your content.
For example, some users have noticed that for their niche, platforms like YouTube or Quora frequently appear in Perspectives search results.
EEAT guidelines are more important than ever
EEAT guidelines are requirements that Google takes very seriously when ranking content, especially in YMYL topics, but we'll set those aside because they won't appear much in Google Perspectives as we've seen.
EEAT stands for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Therefore, if you want to better position your content in Perspectives, you should:
- Demonstrate why your expertise in the topic is real. This can be done with images, videos, or specific explanations.
- Indicate that the content has been written or reviewed by an expert on the subject. You can also cite reliable sources.
- Produce content consistently on a specific topic or market niche.
- Incorporate more personal details into the content to lend credibility to the text. You can share personal experiences or information about your daily life.
Don't be too controversial
While Perspectives appreciates personal experiences and the most authentic content possible, everything should be in moderation. What I mean by this is that Google doesn't like it when your content strays too far from the mainstream and encourages the generation of opposing ideas and debates.
The trick here lies in balance: you need to be original but not too marginal, at least to position yourself as well as possible in Google Search and Google Perspectives.
Create a forum within your website
Since Perspectives (and Google in general) will highly reward real content, it can be a great idea to create a discussion section within your website to generate user-generated content and have your page appear in this new section for better positioning.
Another option could be to enhance the comment section of your website and engage with users through it.
Interact more with your community on social media and forums
Social media and forums are among the contents that we'll find most on Google Perspectives. As a brand or content creator, it's interesting to boost comments and audience participation.
Encourage them to comment, respond to their comments, and create constructive debates. It could also be beneficial to enhance your UGC (user-generated content) strategy and publish more of this type of content to bring reality and authenticity to your brand, increasing your chances of appearing in this search tab.