Online Marketing & Digital Marketing

Click to Call: What It Is and Its Function In Marketing

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By David Tomas, on 15 November 2022

Click to call, or CTC, is a service that many companies are offering, since it allows users to get in touch with them quickly and easily. CTC is also a way for a company to get a users' phone number.

But what exactly is click to call and how does it work in marketing?

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Click to Call What It Is and Its Function In Marketing

What Is Click to Call (CTC)?

The click to call service is a widget or button that is placed on the web page so that a user can enter his or her telephone number to request a call from a brand. Normally this call is received in a few minutes and a company to quickly resolve any questions the user has about a product or service.

There is no cost for the user to use this service, since the call is made by the company. For the brand, this service allows for it to have a conversation with a potential customer, which increases the likelihood of a purchase. In addition, the ease and immediacy increases customer satisfaction, which increases sales and decreases the risk that the user will buy from another website.

How Is Click to Call Used in Marketing?

Using the click to call button is very simple.

To integrate this button or widget with your web page, all you need to do is copy and paste some code. This type of button can also be inserted into emails, social media profiles, SMS channels, and more.

Below are our recommendations for doing so:

  • The browser should support WebRTC, a technology that allows applications and websites to capture and retransmit audio and video and exchange data between browsers without intermediaries.
  • If the website is created with WordPress, you can use a plugin to create the button or use HTML code.
  • The website must have a valid security certificate.

Another feature that makes click to call a powerful communication tool is that it can be customized to mark the opening hours, the number that appears on the device, and limit the number of call requests. These functionalities make it one of the most effective communication channels to generate sales.

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David Tomas