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What are we actually doing on social media?

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By Jessica Bubenheim, on 8 May 2019

Social media today, have become routine use in everyday life. Whether it's checking out Whatsapp notifications in the morning, using Instagram to upload a story at noon. The average person will spend more than five years of their lives using social media. We're using social media every day, but what are we actually doing there all the time.

This article is about the reasons why we love social media so much. What advantages and opportunities do social networks give? Focusing on how we actually use our time on social media, we aim to explore how to appeal to potential customers, through understanding their use of social media.

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What are we actually doing on social media_

Why are we on social media?

Thanks to social media, we have the opportunity to meet our most basic social needs. Social media is a place to meet people with similar interests and communicate with them, feel part of a group, and express opinions through. In addition, social networks help our personal -development, as we find highly relevant information.

The most popular activities on social media

Millenials are known to share and post photos and videos, search for contacts, look at profiles of their friends and discover different events. They also like to chat and play games. These activities help millenials to feel meaningful and simply have fun.

The most popular social networks

A few years ago, Facebook was the most popular social network among teenagers, but today that has changed. There are always new networks that offer users several options that guarantee their success. Instead of Facebook, many teens use WhatsApp, Instagram and Snapchat. Compared to these networks, Facebook looks a bit dated.

3 ways users spend time with brands on social media

  • Social networking brings brands into a conversation. It’s about the process of talking to people online about branded content, projects, goals , claims and charitable work.
  • Social networks offer communication with no strings attached. Potential customers who use social media can communicate with brands, and vice versa. Contact is very easy and communication is uncomplicated. With channels in the social networks, we signal a simple response and accessibility and are able to address people in the comfort of their own surroundings.
  • Social networks are diverse, even as far as the people who use them are concerned. With different platforms we reach different target groups in different ways. In the meantime, we can easily assess which multipliers and end customers we can reach with which platform and which type of approach particularly well.

3 values you can use to create positive social media relationships

  • Be Honest. Communication on social media is first and foremost about dealing honestly. When addressing topics, you should be prepared to get comments on them, and answer them with transparency.
  • Be authentic. The times when people gave themselves a second self online are over. Keep in mind, social media never forgets, and digital content often spreads like wildfire. Before you publish something online, you should think twice about whether this contribution really represents your brand character and interests.
  • Respect time. Avoid annoying others with useless contributions such as the twelfth promotion of the day or hourly status updates. Users can be quick to denounce the social network ‘friendship’.

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Jessica Bubenheim