By Enric Llonch, on 23 July 2021
Video content marketing is a strategy that has gained a lot of ground in recent years because it allows you to convey your brand's message effectively and create an emotional connection with your audience. For this to work well, you need to be able to integrate video into your sales pipeline and know which videos are the most effective. Let's take a look at the keys to using video content successfully.
How to Boost Your Sales Pipeline with Video Content Marketing
Think About Your Buyer Persona
In order to plan any marketing strategy, you must first know who you are targeting. It is essential to identify the pain points, needs, desires, and challenges of your potential customers. A good way to do this is by creating a buyer persona, which is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer that includes all the aspects mentioned above and helps you better identify who you are marketing to.
Choose the Right Type of Video
Video is a very versatile format, so it can be adapted to different brands, audiences, and objectives. For example, you can create testimonials from satisfied customers or step-by-step tutorials on how to use your products. The key is to know where your potential customer is in the buying process and what they need at that moment.
Keep Your Videos Short and Simple
In most cases (especially in the early stages of contact) it is best to keep your videos short and to the point. To make sure you get your message across effectively, you can rely on a predetermined structure, for example:
Spend the first 10-15 seconds of the video explaining your why, meaning why are you creating this video and what do you want viewers to do?
During the next 20-25 seconds you should explain your value proposition, that is, the solution (product, service, etc.) that you are offering to your audience.
And finally, end the video with the call to action, where you tell viewers exactly what you want them to do when the video ends.
Appeal to Emotions
One of the greatest strengths of video is its ability to transmit emotions to the audience. We know that most purchasing decisions are not rational (not even among B2B products), so this is a resource that you should never overlook.
When you sit down to write your video script, consider what emotions you want to generate in your audience and how. This will make the message resonate much more powerfully.
Use Your Branding
Even if it's not a sales pitch, your video is still a part of your brand. As such, it should convey your style, your mission, and your values in all its elements, from the copy to the colors. Lastly, don't forget to include your logo so that the video and its message can be easily associated with your brand.