By Dany Ortiz, on 7 August 2019
Is your business looking for a new platform to produce informative content and attract a bigger audience? Your solution is to create a podcast! But what is a podcast? A podcast is a digital audio file that’s made up of a series of episodes made available through the internet by various podcast hosting platforms.
Most podcast listeners, according to, have the intent to learn something new or to keep themselves updated on their personal interest such as Digital Marketing. Make sure to share noteworthy and new findings, people are listening! The Digital Agency Network claims that the best digital marketing podcasts, “give you insight and tactics on how to use content, marketing strategies, and SEO to become successful.” If you are interested in making a digital marketing podcast, it’s critical to keep this in mind.
If you are interested in starting a podcast but have no idea how or where to get started, continue to read to learn how to do so. We have created two separate lists for you. The first list provides you with things you will need to start your podcast and the second list lists the benefits of starting a podcast in your business.
4 Things You Will Need:
- What does your business want to obtain from this podcast?
- How will you reach your podcast’s objective/ purpose?
- How will it relate your brand?
- Who will be/ who do you want to be your audience?
It’s also crucial to make your objective realistic and measurable to analyze the results of your podcast. Lastly, don’t forget to choose a name for your podcast that resonates with the purpose.
- Podcast servers such as SoundCloud, Spreaker, Liberated Syndication (Libsyn) are more ideal though. They distribute your podcast to several directories at once.
- We recommend for you to have an intro (a short voiceover) at the beginning of every episode to introduce the podcast, episode topic, and the hosts. This shows your professionalism.
- Authoritative Presence. Having an informative podcast can give you an authoritative presence in your industry. Not only will you inform your audience, but you will prompt their curiosity to learn more and to tune in every time a new episode is uploaded.
- Accessibility. According to, people listened to podcasts at home, work, transportation services, while exercising, and while going out to public areas. Making your podcasts easily accessible allows your audience to listen in on any break they have. Make sure not to make your podcast too long to the point where they can’t listen to it during any of the activities listed above.
- Brand Awareness. Your podcast will offer a new audience therefore new traffic to your social media platforms related to your brand. It’ll start a cycle from the moment the listener clicks on the linked social media and becomes a prospective lead and eventually a new client.
- Learn From Other Professionals/ Influencers. Similar to guest blogging, guest podcasting can help your podcast reach more exposure. Not only will you be able to exchange information and valuable content, but you will continue to increase your authoritative presence in your sector.
- Connect with your Audience. Podcasts are perfect opportunities to build relationships with your audience. This relationship will be based on trust because it’ll be your priority to make your listeners feel as if the speaker is speaking directly to them on a shared topic.
That’s it, you are now prepared to start your very own business’ podcast! If you ever find yourself tired of your audio content or wishing you had never forgot your book at home, check out Cyberclick’s podcast coming soon in October 2019! More information to come soon!