Success Story:

Nespresso integrated Facebook, QR codes, and email marketing in the "Nespresso & The City" campaign


Increased openings


Open rate


Conversion rate (CTA)


About Nespresso

Nespresso is a Swiss coffee company that specializes in producing high-quality coffee capsules and coffee machines. In Spain, Nespresso has a strong presence in the market and is one of the leading brands in the capsule coffee industry. The company has managed to establish a well-structured distribution network in Spain, with a wide range of points of sale and its own stores in the main cities of the country. The company has implemented a successful marketing strategy in Spain, which has allowed Nespresso to maintain its position in the market against the growing competition.

About the Project

In May and June 2013, the B2B division of Nespresso conducted an email marketing campaign on the partner base of Club Nespresso of Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. The goal was to approach the consumer base to the new Aguila machine. This machine combines the best traditional methods of coffee making with the latest advances of Nespresso for facilities with a large volume of business, capable of making hot or cold coffee gourmet recipes at the touch of a button.


The campaign consisted of carrying traffic to an application on Facebook with which the user could discover the Nespresso recipes available at coffee shops that carried the new AGUILA machine. Additionally, the application generated a customized voucher that could be redeemed for a recipe in one of the participating coffee shops.


The email marketing action, coordinated and conducted by the agency Digital Response, specializing on email marketing, was the main traffic generator to the application on Facebook, and also of carrying traffic directly to the coffee shops.


With the goal of leveraging the impact of the email marketing action, a QR customized code was included in the email so the user could redeem it for one of the Nespresso recipes at the coffee shop.

Actions Taken


Step 1: Customizing the QR code on the email and voucher

Since every user would get a unique code (which allowed to trace the conversions at user level) and the voucher with the QR code was on an external landing page, the QR code of each email had to be transferred to the landing page. Thus, each landing page was customized with the QR code of each user.

Once on the landing page, the user could print the voucher. For a reasonable and economic print, the voucher included an array of gray, black and white colors.

Nespresso Caso de éxito

Step 2: Database segmentation

One of the goals of the action was to also trace the behavior of the different segments of the data base. There were 4 big segmentation categories based on socio-demographic data with their respective variations.

A total of 24 possible combinations were translated into 24 segments. This allowed to recognize which database segments had a better behavior. This information is very useful, since upon analysis it allows to understand what type of segment is more reactive to what type of action.


Step 3: Including Google Analytics tracking to determine the origin of traffic on the Facebook app

The emailing sent to each of the segments included an Analytics tracking identifying the source, medium, content and campaign. In this way, analysis of the traffic to the application on Facebook allowed to control, upon arrival, the validity of the email marketing metrics. Thus, for example, if the number of clickers of the campaign on a certain segment was 5,000, the number of the unique visitors to the Facebook application from that same segment (from the Analytics point of view) also had to be 5,000.

The interesting thing of the dual measurement (on the email – origin – and the application – destination) is that it allows to detect inconsistencies and thus determine, on the one hand, where the error occurred, and on the other hand, increase the reliability of the results obtained.


Step 4: Resend message to those who didn't open it to maximize conversions

One week after the campaign, the emailing was re-sent to all those users who received the first batch but did not open it. This action allowed to significantly increase the number of unique visitors to the Facebook application and the number of redemptions at the coffee shops.


48.66% of visits to the Facebook application were generated through email, and in the same line, there was an improvement in key email marketing metrics such as openings, click-through rates, and conversion rates.


Email Openings

Total Openings per 100 emails delivered


Click Ratio

Total clicks per 100 emails delivered


Conversion rate (CTA)

Based on the users that clicked and visited the application, or also redeemed the coupon at the coffee shop.

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