Segmentation by Channel

Segmentation by Channel in the Funnel Advertising Methodology: Connect with Your Ideal Customer

August 2021

The objective of a good advertising campaign within the Funnel Advertising Methodology is to impact your target audience in the most profitable way possible. In order to achieve this, you must keep in mind all of the different ways you can segment on digital platforms. By focusing on segmentation, you can optimize your campaigns, increase profits, get a better ROI, and thus reach your marketing goals.



  • Google. Segmenting ads so that they are shown to the right clients is an essential component of a successful advertising campaign. You could design the perfect ad for attracting clients to your site but, unless you show it to the right people at the right time, it won’t help you reach your goal. To help you segment successfully, Google offers two ways of creating campaigns, each one with its own advantages.
    • Google Ads. Text ads within Google Search and the Google Search Network (a group of search-related websites where your ads can appear) can be segmented by keyword, language, geography, device, audience (ads will be shown to people who have previously visited your website. This is done using remarketing lists for Search Network ads) and audience interests.
    • Google Display Network. Display ads can be segmented by keyword, topic, location, language, geography, device, and audience (including remarketing campaigns).
    • Facebook. Facebook offers both general demographic data (e.g. age, sex, location, and/or language) and specific demographic data (e.g. educational level, household composition, ethnic background, political views, etc.). Additional information includes, buying habits, specific use of devices and interests. Interests refers to topics that users search for or interact with on the platform such as pages they like or are fans of. You can also use Facebook’s audience creation tool which allows you to create a custom audience via databases you upload to the platform, web traffic, or data from an app. You can also base audiences on interactions which take place across different areas of Facebook, such as your Facebook page, a video you uploaded, a ‘Canvas’ or a ‘Lead Ad’. Based on these audiences, you can then create Lookalike Audiences. Facebook does this by taking one of your Custom Audiences and, through the traits they have in common, creates another, better audience.
    • Instagram. Instagram Ads are available to everyone with access to their 'ad create' tool. Both Instagram and Facebook share the same management and ad campaign platform so segmentation options are very similar on the two platforms.  
    • Twitter. Whenever you post something on Twitter, you can accurately segment based on characteristics such as language, gender, interests, followers, device, behavior, Custom Audience, keywords, and geographic region.
    • LinkedIn. In order to ensure that your ad is shown to the relevant audience, LinkedIn offers the ability to segment by location, sex, age, skill, college, academic discipline, degree, company name, business sector, company size, job title, job description, seniority level, and years of experience. You can also segment with a specific list of companies or by interest (e.g. thought leaders or users who are currently looking for employment). LinkedIn Ads offers a variety of useful formats to connect with your audience.
    • Social Ads

  • Display. User behavior on your website gives you very valuable information. This information, along with consumer data we may have received from a third party or from clients themselves, can later be used to segment. You can use apply it in the following ways:
    • You can segment via keywords by displaying ads on websites related to your keywords. You can also segment by interests, which are deduced by browsing trends and user web searches.
    • In order to impact potential customers via display ads, you can also segment using remarketing audience lists or any other client mailing lists you have.
    • You can base your segmentation on webpages where your banners appear either by genre (e.g. travel or fashion) or by concrete locations.
    • Additionally, you can segment based on third party data. This data comes from external sources who have no direct relation with the clients. They are companies dedicated to the compilation of user data from the internet.
  • Email. Segmentation of contact lists, either yours or a third party’s, is a key strategy to help you substantially improve the efficiency and efficacy of your email marketing campaigns. You can segment by new subscribers, location, sex, age, activity, non-completion of forms, cart, non-buyers, purchase history, customer buying cycle, behavior, social status, job situation, memberships, and/or preferences and interests, among others. Brands that use segmentation in email campaigns see an increase of 39% in their open rate and see a 28% decrease in the 'unsubscribe' from lists. Segmenting in email marketing can seem complicated but it also offers many advantages. Segmenting email campaigns primarily consists of getting more registrations and then dividing them into groups that are classified based on various, useful parameters that can help you organize your future email campaigns. Segmenting email campaigns is one of the most versatile option available.

At Cyberclick we created the Funnel Advertising Methodology and actively implement it. We do this based on the user’s journey within the conversion funnel and on the best promotional steps that can be taken at each stage. As always, our goal is to quantitatively and qualitatively optimize your investments and get the best results!