MOFU (Middle of the Funnel)

MOFU is the stage where users already know their needs. Here, you should provide quality information that shows that your product or service is the best option for them.


October 2021

In the MOFU stage of the Funnel Advertising Methodologythe consumer already knows what types of products or services will satisfy their needs and has begun to browse through the available options. Your goal is to be among these options so you need to successfully communicate your company’s value in terms of brand, product, or service.

MOFU Stage


The actions best suited for this stage of the funnel are:

  • Remarketing or Retargeting of Client Acquisition (only visits, not sales). This consists of impacting users who have already had previous interaction with your company.
  • Social Remarketing – Non Purchase (no purchase, only visit). At this stage, social remarketing serves to impact people who are the early stages of the purchasing process. It works by connecting potential customers who have visited your site on social media channels.
  • Social Ads Acquisition. This strategy corresponds to the middle of the funnel. It is built on the idea that your online community provides value, which can then lead to conversions and sales. By connecting with your audience, you motivate them to support your business and tell their network about you.
  • Social Ads Lead Gen. These ads consist of generating leads via social networks in order to further grow your database.
  • Social Ads Prospecting. This refers to audiences created on ad platforms. Based on previously provided data, an ad platform can find prospects similar to the clients you already have. The percentage of similarity greatly depends on the amount of quality data you have. 
  • Emailing Acquisition. This consists of impacting subscribers already in a third party database who have a high level of interest in what your brand has to offer. For example, if you advertise a tourist destination, you would work with a database of people interested in the travel sector, or more specifically, the destination in question.
  • Affiliate Marketing. In this digital marketing model, companies compensate third-party parteners who generate traffic or leads to the company's website or sales of the company's products and services. These third-parties are called affiliates, and they receive a commission for doing this work.