Buyer Persona

A Buyer Persona Helps to Better Hone in on Segments and Campaigns

March 2024

What Is a Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal or typical customer, that will help you better represent and understand the people that make up your target market, those you want to attract and eventually convert.


The only way to anticipate a consumer’s needs is by knowing the consumer. Knowing their educational background, their occupation, their concerns, their needs, what challenges they face, what social media platforms they use, etc. helps you understand how you can help them. In order to organize all this information, we create Buyer Personas.


It’s very important to develop the buyer persona within the Funnel Advertising Methodology in order to adjust advertising to your clients' needs. You should have a very well-defined prototype of who could be an actual client. Once this is established, you can then create relatable, relevant content that corresponds to each stage of the funnel.




How to Create Your Buyer Persona

So, how do you find all the information you need on your current and potential customers and how do you organize it? First you will need to create a list of basic questions such as:


Where do you live?

What type of work do you do?

What’s your job title?

What’s your job history?

What’s your family situation?

What are your ambitions?

What are your hobbies?

What worries you?


The first step is all about acquiring data through interviews. From there, you can break down the group into several buyer personas who represent the different types of clients or customers you would like to reach.

  • Current clients are already using our product or service and are a fantastic representation of real-life users. Not only can they help you learn about what needs are met by our product or service, but they can also help you understand how you can improve in the future.
  • Potential leads are those who haven’t quite taken the leap to become clients, but you know they are interested in what you offer because they have given you their information. This is just one way to get to know them better.
  • Focus groups are in-depth interviews with people who embody the target market you want to reach.

Good questions to ask and helpful information to know include :

    • Who is this person?

      • General profile
      • Demographic information
      • Identifiers
    • What motivates them?

      • Primary and secondary objectives
      • Primary and secondary challenges
      • Knowing what your company can do for consumers
    • Do they need you?

      • User objectives
      • Common complaints and problems
    • How can you help them?

      • Marketing Messages: how would you present your company’s solution to this person?
      • Sales Messages: How would you sell them on your solution?
    • Pain Points

      • What are their Pain Points? Find what motivates a person to carry out any given search online.
      • Carry out client surveys either in person or online.
      • Find the right keywords related to the consumer’s pain points (this will help in the optimization of the whole campaign).

A very useful tool for organizing the information is an Empathy Map. Take a look a the example below.Buyer persona


Lastly, give your persona a name and a picture that might represent them well. The more real, the better. Once you have created the profile (or profiles) that reflect your customers and your target market, you can tailor your marketing and advertising to make sure that it corresponds and reflects what your buyers want and need.